
Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station

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Daily Report for the month of December 2024

1 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.9°F
Average humidity 66%
Average dewpoint 16.8°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 2.4 mph
Average gustspeed 4.6 mph
Average direction 225° (SW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 47.87 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00
Maximum temperature 33.9°F on 01 at 13:22
Minimum temperature 20.8°F on 01 at 07:33
Maximum humidity 82% on 01 at 07:47
Minimum humidity 49% on 01 at 13:24
Maximum pressure 30.039 in. on 01 at 22:51
Minimum pressure 29.942 in. on 01 at 00:39
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 01 at 09:55
Maximum gust speed 16.1 mph from 253 °(WSW) on 01 at 03:05
Maximum heat index 33.9°F on 01 at 13:22

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2 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.4°F
Average humidity 69%
Average dewpoint 17.2°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 1.9 mph
Average direction 251° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 47.87 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 35.8°F on 02 at 13:46
Minimum temperature 20.3°F on 02 at 06:28
Maximum humidity 83% on 02 at 23:55
Minimum humidity 49% on 02 at 13:51
Maximum pressure 30.131 in. on 02 at 23:38
Minimum pressure 30.028 in. on 02 at 03:46
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 02 at 05:12
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 231 °(SW) on 02 at 13:38
Maximum heat index 35.8°F on 02 at 13:46

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3 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.1°F
Average humidity 72%
Average dewpoint 18.0°F
Average barometer 30.2 in.
Average windspeed 0.6 mph
Average gustspeed 1.3 mph
Average direction 226° (SW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 47.87 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 34.4°F on 03 at 15:07
Minimum temperature 17.5°F on 03 at 03:14
Maximum humidity 91% on 03 at 03:38
Minimum humidity 49% on 03 at 14:53
Maximum pressure 30.211 in. on 03 at 09:24
Minimum pressure 30.119 in. on 03 at 00:15
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 03 at 11:23
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 187 °(S) on 03 at 14:31
Maximum heat index 34.4°F on 03 at 15:07

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4 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.0°F
Average humidity 73%
Average dewpoint 19.7°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 1.3 mph
Average gustspeed 2.8 mph
Average direction 192° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.00 in.
Rainfall for year 47.87 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 04 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 35.7°F on 04 at 13:31
Minimum temperature 17.0°F on 04 at 07:37
Maximum humidity 92% on 04 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 44% on 04 at 13:28
Maximum pressure 30.220 in. on 04 at 07:59
Minimum pressure 29.711 in. on 04 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 04 at 14:55
Maximum gust speed 12.7 mph from 121 °(ESE) on 04 at 15:40
Maximum heat index 35.7°F on 04 at 13:29

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5 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 31.8°F
Average humidity 86%
Average dewpoint 28.1°F
Average barometer 29.5 in.
Average windspeed 2.7 mph
Average gustspeed 5.3 mph
Average direction 236° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 0.12 in.
Rainfall for year 47.99 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 05 at 16:57
Maximum temperature 35.0°F on 05 at 12:31
Minimum temperature 29.0°F on 05 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 94% on 05 at 01:07
Minimum humidity 75% on 05 at 22:26
Maximum pressure 29.712 in. on 05 at 00:01
Minimum pressure 29.376 in. on 05 at 12:21
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph on 05 at 22:19
Maximum gust speed 23.0 mph from 191 °(S) on 05 at 16:53
Maximum heat index 35.0°F on 05 at 12:31

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6 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 24.1°F
Average humidity 63%
Average dewpoint 13.0°F
Average barometer 29.9 in.
Average windspeed 2.3 mph
Average gustspeed 4.2 mph
Average direction 265° (W)
Rainfall for month 0.12 in.
Rainfall for year 47.99 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 29.4°F on 06 at 00:47
Minimum temperature 18.9°F on 06 at 23:54
Maximum humidity 78% on 06 at 01:45
Minimum humidity 40% on 06 at 14:34
Maximum pressure 30.044 in. on 06 at 23:41
Minimum pressure 29.633 in. on 06 at 00:05
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 05 at 00:02
Maximum gust speed 19.6 mph from 241 °(WSW) on 06 at 02:25
Maximum heat index 29.4°F on 06 at 00:47

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7 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.1°F
Average humidity 72%
Average dewpoint 18.2°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 2.3 mph
Average gustspeed 4.3 mph
Average direction 221° (SW)
Rainfall for month 0.12 in.
Rainfall for year 47.99 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 07 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 34.4°F on 07 at 14:03
Minimum temperature 18.5°F on 07 at 01:04
Maximum humidity 85% on 07 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 60% on 07 at 14:10
Maximum pressure 30.081 in. on 07 at 09:29
Minimum pressure 29.907 in. on 07 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 07 at 14:30
Maximum gust speed 16.1 mph from 284 °(WNW) on 07 at 14:30
Maximum heat index 34.4°F on 07 at 14:03

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8 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 36.1°F
Average humidity 72%
Average dewpoint 27.8°F
Average barometer 29.8 in.
Average windspeed 4.4 mph
Average gustspeed 8.3 mph
Average direction 224° (SW)
Rainfall for month 0.21 in.
Rainfall for year 48.08 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 08 at 19:41
Maximum temperature 42.6°F on 08 at 12:38
Minimum temperature 27.3°F on 08 at 00:41
Maximum humidity 88% on 08 at 03:42
Minimum humidity 54% on 08 at 12:33
Maximum pressure 29.938 in. on 08 at 23:14
Minimum pressure 29.627 in. on 08 at 12:17
Maximum windspeed 13.8 mph on 08 at 11:30
Maximum gust speed 27.6 mph from 175 °(S) on 08 at 11:29
Maximum heat index 42.6°F on 08 at 12:38

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9 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 35.7°F
Average humidity 86%
Average dewpoint 31.7°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 0.7 mph
Average gustspeed 1.9 mph
Average direction 135° (SE)
Rainfall for month 0.65 in.
Rainfall for year 48.52 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 09 at 23:09
Maximum temperature 43.0°F on 09 at 12:25
Minimum temperature 30.5°F on 09 at 05:59
Maximum humidity 95% on 09 at 23:52
Minimum humidity 68% on 09 at 12:27
Maximum pressure 30.097 in. on 09 at 10:03
Minimum pressure 29.928 in. on 09 at 00:01
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 09 at 06:08
Maximum gust speed 11.5 mph from 230 °(SW) on 09 at 16:31
Maximum heat index 43.0°F on 09 at 12:25

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10 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 30.3°F
Average humidity 95%
Average dewpoint 29.1°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.4 mph
Average gustspeed 1.7 mph
Average direction 93° (E)
Rainfall for month 0.66 in.
Rainfall for year 48.53 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 10 at 01:11
Maximum temperature 33.0°F on 10 at 00:04
Minimum temperature 28.8°F on 10 at 08:40
Maximum humidity 97% on 10 at 23:49
Minimum humidity 94% on 10 at 06:20
Maximum pressure 30.190 in. on 10 at 10:28
Minimum pressure 30.040 in. on 10 at 23:56
Maximum windspeed 3.5 mph on 10 at 01:57
Maximum gust speed 10.4 mph from 100 °(E) on 10 at 00:40
Maximum heat index 33.0°F on 10 at 00:04

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11 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 40.0°F
Average humidity 96%
Average dewpoint 38.9°F
Average barometer 29.7 in.
Average windspeed 1.1 mph
Average gustspeed 2.5 mph
Average direction 149° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 1.79 in.
Rainfall for year 49.66 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 11 at 23:31
Maximum temperature 58.1°F on 11 at 18:41
Minimum temperature 30.9°F on 11 at 00:07
Maximum humidity 98% on 11 at 16:07
Minimum humidity 88% on 11 at 21:56
Maximum pressure 30.045 in. on 11 at 00:31
Minimum pressure 29.371 in. on 11 at 22:00
Maximum windspeed 10.4 mph on 11 at 21:12
Maximum gust speed 20.7 mph from 230 °(SW) on 11 at 20:37
Maximum heat index 58.1°F on 11 at 18:39

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12 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 31.6°F
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 21.7°F
Average barometer 29.9 in.
Average windspeed 3.3 mph
Average gustspeed 6.5 mph
Average direction 246° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 1.79 in.
Rainfall for year 49.66 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 12 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 40.8°F on 12 at 00:01
Minimum temperature 20.7°F on 12 at 23:50
Maximum humidity 91% on 12 at 02:00
Minimum humidity 47% on 12 at 13:45
Maximum pressure 30.355 in. on 12 at 23:37
Minimum pressure 29.450 in. on 12 at 00:03
Maximum windspeed 12.7 mph on 12 at 13:07
Maximum gust speed 24.2 mph from 214 °(SW) on 12 at 13:04
Maximum heat index 40.8°F on 12 at 00:01

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13 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 22.3°F
Average humidity 60%
Average dewpoint 10.3°F
Average barometer 30.6 in.
Average windspeed 1.2 mph
Average gustspeed 2.5 mph
Average direction 250° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 1.79 in.
Rainfall for year 49.66 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 13 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 28.7°F on 13 at 13:22
Minimum temperature 14.9°F on 13 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 82% on 13 at 23:47
Minimum humidity 41% on 13 at 13:58
Maximum pressure 30.801 in. on 13 at 23:34
Minimum pressure 30.347 in. on 13 at 00:01
Maximum windspeed 5.8 mph on 13 at 14:29
Maximum gust speed 13.8 mph from 280 °(W) on 13 at 14:28
Maximum heat index 28.7°F on 13 at 13:22

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14 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 18.6°F
Average humidity 73%
Average dewpoint 10.8°F
Average barometer 30.9 in.
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.6 mph
Average direction 266° (W)
Rainfall for month 1.79 in.
Rainfall for year 49.66 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 14 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 31.3°F on 14 at 14:07
Minimum temperature 10.1°F on 14 at 07:24
Maximum humidity 89% on 14 at 05:35
Minimum humidity 45% on 14 at 15:07
Maximum pressure 30.936 in. on 14 at 08:25
Minimum pressure 30.793 in. on 14 at 00:03
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 14 at 13:13
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 208 °(SSW) on 14 at 09:37
Maximum heat index 31.3°F on 14 at 14:07

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15 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 21.2°F
Average humidity 67%
Average dewpoint 10.9°F
Average barometer 30.8 in.
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.5 mph
Average direction 198° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 1.79 in.
Rainfall for year 49.66 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 15 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 32.7°F on 15 at 14:15
Minimum temperature 8.4°F on 15 at 07:33
Maximum humidity 89% on 15 at 08:02
Minimum humidity 34% on 15 at 14:19
Maximum pressure 30.900 in. on 15 at 00:01
Minimum pressure 30.656 in. on 15 at 23:52
Maximum windspeed 4.6 mph on 15 at 12:41
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 220 °(SW) on 15 at 12:40
Maximum heat index 32.7°F on 15 at 14:15

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16 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 32.2°F
Average humidity 88%
Average dewpoint 28.8°F
Average barometer 30.5 in.
Average windspeed 0.1 mph
Average gustspeed 0.6 mph
Average direction 107° (ESE)
Rainfall for month 1.86 in.
Rainfall for year 49.73 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 16 at 23:38
Maximum temperature 34.7°F on 16 at 23:59
Minimum temperature 27.4°F on 16 at 01:01
Maximum humidity 96% on 16 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 66% on 16 at 01:03
Maximum pressure 30.656 in. on 16 at 00:06
Minimum pressure 30.157 in. on 16 at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 1.2 mph on 16 at 19:36
Maximum gust speed 5.8 mph from 093 °(E) on 16 at 05:49
Maximum heat index 34.7°F on 16 at 23:59

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17 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 46.5°F
Average humidity 83%
Average dewpoint 41.4°F
Average barometer 30.0 in.
Average windspeed 3.1 mph
Average gustspeed 6.1 mph
Average direction 224° (SW)
Rainfall for month 2.15 in.
Rainfall for year 50.02 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 17 at 05:48
Maximum temperature 53.8°F on 17 at 13:52
Minimum temperature 34.7°F on 17 at 00:01
Maximum humidity 97% on 17 at 04:01
Minimum humidity 65% on 17 at 13:53
Maximum pressure 30.160 in. on 17 at 23:59
Minimum pressure 29.960 in. on 17 at 05:11
Maximum windspeed 12.7 mph on 17 at 05:48
Maximum gust speed 24.2 mph from 210 °(SSW) on 17 at 13:44
Maximum heat index 53.8°F on 17 at 13:52

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18 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 38.1°F
Average humidity 80%
Average dewpoint 32.2°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 1.1 mph
Average gustspeed 2.2 mph
Average direction 211° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 2.46 in.
Rainfall for year 50.33 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 18 at 23:15
Maximum temperature 46.0°F on 18 at 13:05
Minimum temperature 31.3°F on 18 at 07:41
Maximum humidity 94% on 18 at 23:59
Minimum humidity 60% on 18 at 13:07
Maximum pressure 30.232 in. on 18 at 06:57
Minimum pressure 29.933 in. on 18 at 23:51
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph on 18 at 12:39
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 193 °(SSW) on 18 at 13:17
Maximum heat index 46.0°F on 18 at 13:05

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19 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 33.8°F
Average humidity 79%
Average dewpoint 27.8°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.4 mph
Average gustspeed 0.9 mph
Average direction 289° (WNW)
Rainfall for month 2.50 in.
Rainfall for year 50.37 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in. on 19 at 01:40
Maximum temperature 38.4°F on 19 at 12:45
Minimum temperature 27.8°F on 19 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 95% on 19 at 03:33
Minimum humidity 54% on 19 at 14:40
Maximum pressure 30.307 in. on 19 at 23:13
Minimum pressure 29.932 in. on 19 at 00:21
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph on 19 at 11:58
Maximum gust speed 13.8 mph from 299 °(WNW) on 19 at 11:53
Maximum heat index 38.4°F on 19 at 12:44

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20 December Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.3°F
Average humidity 81%
Average dewpoint 20.4°F
Average barometer 30.1 in.
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.9 mph
Average direction 69° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 2.50 in.
Rainfall for year 50.37 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in. on 20 at 23:59
Maximum temperature 27.8°F on 20 at 00:08
Minimum temperature 23.6°F on 20 at 23:59
Maximum humidity 90% on 20 at 17:21
Minimum humidity 70% on 20 at 04:19
Maximum pressure 30.296 in. on 20 at 01:13
Minimum pressure 29.870 in. on 20 at 23:58
Maximum windspeed 2.3 mph on 20 at 13:55
Maximum gust speed 8.1 mph from 033 °(NNE) on 20 at 08:21
Maximum heat index 27.8°F on 20 at 00:08

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Average and Extremes for Month of December 2024 up to day 20
Average temperature 30.0°F
Average humidity 76%
Average dewpoint 23.1°F
Average barometer 30.123 in.
Average windspeed 1.4 mph
Average gustspeed 3.0 mph
Average direction 224° (SW)
Rainfall for month 2.50 in.
Rainfall for year 108.01 in.
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in on 11 at 23:31
Maximum temperature 58.1°F on 11 at 18:41
Minimum temperature 8.4°F on 15 at 07:33
Maximum humidity 98% on 11 at 16:07
Minimum humidity 34% on 15 at 14:19
Maximum pressure 30.94 in. on 14 at 08:25
Minimum pressure 29.37 in. on 11 at 22:00
Maximum windspeed 13.8 mph from 175°(S) on 08 at 11:30
Maximum gust speed 27.6 mph from 203°(SSW) on 08 at 11:29
Maximum heat index 58.1°F on 11 at 18:39
Avg daily max temp37.5°F
Avg daily min temp22.9°F
Growing degrees days0.0 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
02 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
03 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
04 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
05 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
06 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
07 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
08 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
09 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
10 00:00hrs ET :0.00 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
11 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
12 00:00hrs ET :0.02 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
13 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
14 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
15 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
16 00:00hrs ET :0.00 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
17 00:00hrs ET :0.04 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
18 00:00hrs ET :0.01 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
19 00:00hrs ET :0.00 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv
20 00:00hrs ET :0.00 in. 0.0 W/mē 0.0 uv

Daily Rain Totals
00.12 in. on 5
00.09 in. on 8
00.44 in. on 9
00.01 in. on 10
01.13 in. on 11
00.07 in. on 16
00.29 in. on 17
00.31 in. on 18
00.04 in. on 19